3 Hard Truths I Have Learned by Myself

3 min readJan 10, 2022

Schools have never taught us 'life lessons’. For many of us, our actual 'life' started after getting out of school. Our life is similar to a cricket match. You are the batsman protecting yourself by wearing a helmet, elbow guard, knee guard & many other things (which I am not aware of). School, parents, elders, etc are just like these protective gears who save us from the harsh reality of life. Once, we are out of school, one of the gear is lost & we are needed to face 'life’. For me, I lost two gears, my school & my parents.

Lessons can be learned in two ways. One from others & the other by doing mistake & learning from it. The former is less time-consuming. Both of them if applied at the right place are of great advantage. When your time is limited, choose the former. But, there are certain lessons that can only be learned after doing the mistake (And I like the latter one more).

The lessons I have learned over the years by choosing the wrong & making mistakes are my treasure. Nothing in this world can beat that feeling.


Thumb rule, don’t get afraid if you have made a mistake. Come on, we are humans. We are not computers. WE ARE ALLOWED TO MAKE MISTAKES.

Let me put it this way. The Universe wants to teach you certain lessons which would be helpful for your coming years. For that, the Universe wants you to make that mistakes. And here you are, cursing yourself because you think you did wrong. Okay, if you think you are wrong, go ahead & apologize. Come back & relax. Now start reflecting on the mistake you had done & what you have learned.

Image source: 8-images.blogspot.com

Remember this one, the Universe will continue to teach you until your lesson is learned.


Let me tell you. I have learned it a very hard way. There was a time when I and my father used to have a very strenuous relationship. There were many things in me which he didn’t like & many things in him which I didn’t like. Both of us wanted to change each other but not ourselves. I used to think it would be better if I live separately from him. But, after 2 months of his death, today when I am writing this I can surely tell you one thing it’s no better than where I had been.

Life has its own ways to bloom. Give it the space needed. Just be content with what you already have & start manifesting little by little. Don’t sit & wonder what if my life has been like this, what if I wasn’t studying this subject etc.

You can’t be the next Ratan Tata tomorrow. If you want to be the next, start doing what he had done over the years- hard work, consistency, patience.

Image source: yourtango.com


Sometimes, you will see others doing or getting things ahead of you & it can make you feel bad (I mean worst). I had been there too. But, now things are different. I have understood- there is no right age to make your dreams come true. I always wanted to learn to swim. But couldn’t because of various problems. I have seen most of my friends going to swimming classes in the summer. I used to feel bad. I used to think that is the only ‘age’ I can swim & here I was missing that opportunity. Fast forward to the present, I will be enrolling in swimming classes. This is one of many instances that have made me realize I am the creator of my timeline. So is you.

Don’t let others create timelines for you.

Image source: thestorytellerco.com




Documenting my journey to earn full-time as a writer